Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wasting Time at an Ice Cream Vendors Convention

It's been an interesting few days at IAICDV's (International Association of Ice Cream Distributors and Vendors) annual ice cream vendors convention in Phoenix (technically Chandler). Things have been going pretty laid back for the most part. Talk to some people, eat some ice cream, drink some beers, sleep.

Today we had a great day though. First, we got to the convention in time to get the tail end of free breakfast (breakfast tacos - score). Second, there was a talk about social media and how it relates to the ice cream industry hosted by the lovely and engaging Gwen Bell. What made that even better was that she made a point to talk about Ice Cream Man and what we were doing and even called Matt up to talk for a while about it. And he didn't ramble too much, which was amazing.

After hanging out and chatting Gwen up for a while, we decided to forgo the volleyball tournament (95 degree weather + jeans + no lunch) and eat some lunch and got to talk to one of the biggest ice cream distributors/vendors in the country.

Now we wait for the Blue Bunny hosted reception and then the awards banquet. We will not be winning an award.

I hope to see people get stupidly drunk, but that will probably not happen. Unless it's me.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Working in San Francisco

So all this week, while I'm waiting for Treasure Island Fest this weekend and after watching the 49ers lose at home worse than they have in over 40 years, I'm sitting at my friend Matt's house, toiling away at the computer and enjoying the finer things in San Francisco. Of course, by finer things I mean cheap beers and expensive donuts. I really need to move up here.

So that said, some recommendations for travelers visiting The City:

I think donuts are destined to be the new cupcakes. It's high time for a renaissance and Dynamo is leading the way. Maple bacon apple donut? Yes, please. They also know how to make a good espresso drink. The only downside is the donuts run pricey. I mean, I know the honey lavender glaze is costly, but $3 for a raised donut? Ouch.

St. Francis Fountain-
Half a block from Dynamo is one of the best breakfasts in the city, making morning decisions that much tougher. St. Francis is cozy and delicious.

Not a place I would generally go to. One, it's super expensive; two... well, number one sums it up. My friend Justin is a manger there though, so we paid a visit. They indeed serve its namesake liquor, and also a menagerie of delightful cocktails. But, as I said, expensive.

That should do for now. Maybe I'll throw a few more out later.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Getting @DaveGooch for Twitter

Yes! I finally was able to get @davegooch after months of the obviously inferior @dave_gooch. Underscore, you are outta here!

And no need to feel bad for the previous owner of @davegooch. He only used it once back in October. Obviously I deserve it more.

DaveGooch FTW!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Drinking Tequila

Why is it so hard to keep this updated? I need to somehow be able to automatically scan drawings without having to use the scanner.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Watching deep sea diver. I need to figure out a way to make headers and shit by text. Hmmm...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Testing text posting. Which is the title and which is the body?

Relying on Twitter to Update My Blog

Sometimes I think having the Twitter feed on the side of this blog is good enough. 

I have some sketches that I'll post some time today, not much, but a start.

Also, check out last weeks Drink of the Week

This weeks is out in print right now and online soon.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Being Amazed at My Spike in Traffic

Apparently that junk email has made the rounds. After posting it, my traffic numbers went sky-high (at least by my very low standards).

So, welcome new visitors, I'd love to hear your thoughts on that junk mail, or anything else. Clues to where it came from? Interesting anecdotes? Maybe you went to their website (which I was admittedly, a little scared to do)?

Or maybe you want to talk about nothing at all.

Update for newcomers, the idea of this blog originally was going to be more drawings and less words, but time (and laziness) have pushed it into a different direction, that I hope one day to fix.


-Dave Gooch

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pondering the Meaning of This Junk Mail

This seriously is the strangest thing I've ever received. First of all, it was addressed to my friend Jeremiah ( At the end is the requisite .png ad for Cialis/Viagra. What happens before that is some kind of genius/creepy avant garde poetry.

I really, am stunned and fascinated.

I present you:

"Everyone want to live forever. Nowadays it,s possible!"

4. i don't worry about a little "creative clutter" in cate's room. i say, a good dress up/ barbie mess day better than watching tv all afternoon, right? pretty soon i will just put my 'kerchief on again and go to town. (yes, that is what cate's room looks like again, just over a month after the big clean. i tell you, i'm fighting a losing battle with that girl). does that answer your question, mary? i hope it helps! wink.
my sister and hair stylist, coco, is coming to utah county once again to meet our hair needs.
like this one, from sweet mary, that she left on the clean room post: "Your house seems so organized.
i am going to turn on some good music and choose to be happy.
trust me, you'll want her working her magic on you.
i am looking forward to a date with grant.
i love that she's an expert knitter and yet chooses to create very simple pieces;
but so worth it. pea
and you are happy.
when she does these weekends she fills up really fast so don't wait- if you need color and/or cut and/or face waxing at very reasonable prices email her promptly and she'll get you booked and give you directions.
you sit at the counter
haha, that's my girl.
i love the comments i get from all of you.
my happy plans for this evening include knitting and watching two favorite movies: far and away followed by tristan and isolde.
it was super delicious.
i always enjoy knitting lacy stuff but this pattern was especially fun, super easy, and portable.
1. in the craft room i throw everything on the homework table. that clears up the floor for more mess craft making.
i LOVE this picture and am so inspired to keep the needles moving.
may you always have courage to take a chance and never find frogs in your underpants.
my homekeeping secrets
she wears birkenstocks to fashion shows.
simple is always prettiest to me.
in a tiny town in idaho
where you can get great steak and shrimp
the ms craft dept was featured in an article, and their personal crafting projects were shown.
2. to keep the bedrooms clear i throw all the dirty laundry in the laundry room and shut the door. out of sight, out of mind!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Going to Win Pub Quiz

Off to Gallagher's to play and WIN their Pub Quiz. Check out more info here:

also, I love the new tinyurl custom alias.

Dave Gooch takeover

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Needing to Draw More

Oh man, I just realized I haven't drawn anything in a while. I mean, I haven't drawn anything for the site in a while, but also, at all.

Originally, my plan for this was to draw pictures and have a short caption. Let the pictures speak for themselves and eventually it would evolve into a half-assed webcomic. 

Instead, it's evolved into a half-assed regular old blog.

So, I promise, PROMISE, there will be more shitty drawings that aren't that funny soon.


Unti then, check out the webcomics I've linked to. They are all really good. Really.
Also, check out Chris Hardwick's blog - One, because it's a good blog. Two, because I was messing around with and made direct to this page. Sorry Chris!

Dave Gooch

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Trying To Be the Number One Gooch

Alright people, in one day I went from being on page 14 of a Google search for "Gooch" to page 7! I think with some hard work and dedication, the number one result isn't far away.

Love, David Gooch, Dave Gooch, Gooch

Let me add that I think this is a noble cause and completely worthy of blogging about, so don't get mad Google, it's all in good fun! 

(not that Google cares at all where this site comes up for "Gooch" - but I do think it would be a relevant page to come up in the first page of results, don't you?)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Optimizing Engine Searches

I really want to be the top google search for "Gooch." Can you all help me out and make that happen? Like: Gooch 

Also, I need to get up more for David Gooch

I'm doing well for Dave Gooch

I'll have to start searching Google for "Gooch" more often.

I mean, come on, how am I not one of the top ten Gooches in the world yet?

David Dave Alan Gooch

Friday, February 20, 2009

Writing Drink of the Week for the District

Ok, in case you didn't know, I've been writing the "Drink of the Week" column on a semi-regular basis for the District Weekly. It has seriously been sapping my writing time. That is no excuse though!

But if you haven't seen them already, here are the first four:

Wisconsin Lunch Box at Max's Steiner (which is also becoming the number one google search for this blog)

Next week will be Cherry Bomb at Gaslamp.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Listening to Thin Lizzy

Thanks to Lyndon I got Thin Lizzy up in my head, so enjoy this:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Twittering - Tweeting?

I signed up a Twitter account

I'm really disappointed that somebody else has

is nothing sacred?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Moving In My Apartment

We've had the apartment for close to two weeks now and I'm still getting stuff unpacked and organized. Also, we need a bunch of stuff. Like shelves. And a dish drainer. Hmm... I smell an apartment warming party!

You're Nice